When snow falls in the metro Atlanta & surrounding areas, the entire city comes to a halt.
The infamous ice storm of 2014 and the most recent snowfall of 2017 has proven that Atlanta is not exempt from icy weather conditions. So should the city take measures to be more prepared for snowfall? We say "yes." Here are our suggestions.
Keep Salt Handy
Residents and small businesses understand that in Georgia, snowfall means ice driveways, sidewalks, and streets. Salt is a great way to encourage ice to melt. While it’s not feasible for residents to apply salt to major intersections, keeping a large bag of salt in your garage can be helpful to prevent falls on your property. Apartment complexes should also have salt handy to help keep the community walkways safe.
Visit a Traffic Safety Store
When salt isn’t enough such as with steep driveways, it is important that you keep the tools handy to prevent accidents. Cones and advanced warning signs from our Traffic Safety GA store is a great investment for commercial property managers with large steep hills. While driving in icy conditions is discouraged, these signs can help those who brave the road to navigate safely.
Winterize Your Tires
Winter is a great time to check your tires. Weak tires can easily become compromised in harsh winter conditions. Drivers can prevent unnecessary tire blowouts by simply having your tires checked before cold conditions occur. If you commute in the cities of northern Georgia such as Marietta GA you will likely encounter colder temperatures than metro Atlanta & surrounding area, so consider your tires sooner rather than later.