As parents, we all worry about our children’s safety.
Did you ever think about the conversation to have concerning traffic and safety signs? It doesn’t have to be a serious conversation, as it can be a fun learning lesson for your family while driving in the car. We, at Traffic Safety GA, are invested in the safety of pedestrians and of course, that includes your children. Continue reading for four facts to share with your children about traffic and safety signs.
Read traffic and safety signs.
This can be an early practice for children when riding in the car as soon as they become familiar with reading words. We recommend explaining to your child what traffic and safety signs mean and what they should do when they encounter such signage. This is a great way to not only engage with your child but to practice road safety early.
Take precautions when crossing the street.
As your child gets older they will become more mobile. To prepare your children to cross the street without you, ensure your child understands the law when crossing the street. Make sure they are aware of looking both ways and to take a pause to ensure no cars are coming when the light indicates they can cross the street. When you practice crossing the street with them, this will also show them the behavior they need to model when doing it alone.
Learn about a traffic flagger.
A traffic flagger is a person who directs traffic through construction or a temporary roadblock using signs, gestures, or flags. At Traffic Safety GA, we are experts in traffic safety and want your children to be just as familiar with it too. When you have the opportunity, point out a traffic flagger while driving. Use it as a learning lesson to talk about the traffic signs and how you as the motorist need to respond.
Don’t jaywalk.
Jaywalking can be dangerous and lead to an accident if not careful. We recommend informing children about the rules of crossing the street and to avoid jaywalking if possible. Inform them to look for an intersection and wait until the sign indicates to cross the street. As always look both ways before crossing and pay attention to traffic and safety signs.
We, at Traffic Safety GA, hope these tips were helpful. Our priority is the safety of pedestrians and motorists. For more information check our website today or call us at (404) 609-1181.