We’ve all been there, and it’s 5:01 PM on a Friday in Atlanta.
The weekend has officially started, and as you race to your car you realize it doesn’t matter how fast you drive, you are doomed to face traffic. Your Waze app shows that every highway and backstreet is facing bumper to bumper traffic and there isn’t even an accident reported. Traffic is just a normal part of life in the metropolitan Atlanta area.
If you ever googled "traffic control companies near me" in search of answers related to Atlanta’s traffic problems you’ve likely encountered our company Traffic Safety GA. We are here to shed light on how traffic pacing affects the road conditions in Atlanta.
In 2017 there were over 1500 roadway fatalities, as reported by the Georgia Department of Transportation. While this may not seem like a staggering number, it represents more than 1500 people who didn’t make it home from work, school, or wherever their destination may have been. The overall goal of traffic safety in Georgia is helping drivers like you, and I arrive at our destinations alive.
Traffic pacing is a tool to help control the flow of traffic especially in areas of construction or events. Traffic pacing usually consists of lane closures, warning signs, or even flaggers who help drivers know when and where to navigate and slow speeds down.
As drivers, it is our responsibility to respect traffic pacing no matter how much of an inconvenience it may cause. Traffic pacing is planned by traffic control companies like Traffic Safety GA in partnership with local contractors and local governments. We ensure that the roads are not impacted in a significant way.
Here are a few helpful reminders for when you encounter traffic pacing on the roads:
- Traffic pacing helps keep all drivers safe.
- Traffic pacing is planned by professionals and must be obeyed.
- The safety of flaggers is dependent on drivers’ ability to respect and follow signage.
- Traffic pacing is not permanent and only affects roads for a limited span of time.
- Arriving at your destination alive is more important than getting there quickly.