Halloween is a holiday that has grown increasingly popular among people of many different backgrounds. And why not? Who doesn't love dressing up in crazy costumes, attending parties and eating loads of dubiously nutritious sweets? Even for those who aren't crazy about Halloween, the holiday presents minimal disruption. Sure, you might have to look at your neighbor's obnoxious orange strobe lights for a month or so, but it's not so bad. If you don't want trick or treaters, you can generally just turn off the lights and go about your business.
Halloween isn't totally without its risks, however. The Georgia Department of Transportation (DOT) says Halloween is one of the busiest days of the year when it comes to traffic, and also sees an increased number of drunk drivers. While most people enjoy good, clean fun on Halloween, some ghoulish minds take it as an opportunity to engage in all sorts of foolhardy and even dangerous behavior.
With that in mind, here are three easy tips to help keep you safe on the roads this Halloween.
Tip #1 – Watch Out for Drunks
Plenty of people enjoy their beer and liquor responsibly on Halloween, but many of them don't, too. These individuals take no responsibility for themselves or the safety of others, and choose to operate motor vehicles while intoxicated. This type of behavior results in many severe injuries and deaths, and people who are willing to put others at risk to drive intoxicated are an enormous problem in our society.
Be extra careful of drunk drivers on Halloween night. Watch for vehicles crossing lanes, for swerving vehicles, for speeders, for oddly slow drivers, for vehicles with their lights off, and for any kind of driving that strikes you as unusual or suspect. You should always be on the lookout for this kind of thing, but take your awareness up on a notch on Halloween.
Tip #2 – Prepare for Bad Traffic
Whatever day of the week Halloween falls on, it increases the burden on the traffic system as more people get out and about for parties and other Halloween events. This year, Halloween falls on a Monday, which could make even your regular commute significantly slower. Plan accordingly; you may even want to consider taking a half day, starting work earlier, shopping for groceries over the weekend, or taking any other preparatory measure to avoid driving on Halloween.
Tip #3 – Look Out for Kids
Children are out and about on Halloween, and not just in suburban neighborhoods. Many will wear dark costumes, and some may wear costumes that don't give them the greatest visibility. Be extra careful when driving in areas where children may be walking, when backing out of driveways, and when stopping at crossings. Your care and attentiveness will make a big difference and help protect the kids who are out having fun.
By following these simple tips, you'll put yourself in better position to truly enjoy Halloween – without getting spooked out on the road.