On paper, nothing about driving should be safe or comfortable. Packed into metal machines, we zip around on roads at high speeds, manually (for the most part) controlling vehicles that, if incorrectly operated for even an instant, could cause serious injury or death. We are, at any moment, just a few feet away from rapidly moving mechanical parts, held up in the air by wheels with rubber tires spinning rapidly against hard surfaces to move us forwards or backwards. What's worse, we are surrounded by other people in similar machines doing the same thing, and a certain number of those people are crazy.
Frightening, no? And yet, we drive. Many of us daily. And while we sometimes curse heavy traffic, or become tense during the more harrowing moments of our driving experience, overall we probably all mostly feel relatively safe and comfortable throughout the majority of our drive time.
Why? Well, in large part it's due to the carefully-engineered traffic systems, and traffic safety systems play a very important role in that overall design. Here are a few examples.
Traffic Flagging Operations
Traffic flaggers are highly-trained professionals, who use flags to display instructional signals and direct traffic. Flaggers may slow traffic down to create a safer environment around a construction zone, for example, or stop traffic entirely to allow construction equipment to cross a busy street. When vehicular accidents occur in their area of operation, flaggers will direct traffic to allow emergency vehicles access, in addition to a number of other highly specialized functions.
While perhaps not the most popular traffic safety solution, detours are nonetheless an essential part of the traffic safety toolkit. Using barricades, signage and other instructional implements based on Department of Traffic (DOT) regulations, traffic safety professionals use detours to redirect traffic in case of construction-related blockages, along with emergency situations. While detours can add time to your commute, they are ultimately an essential tool for keeping traffic flowing smoothly.
Traffic Studies
Order starts with a plan. Traffic studies enable relevant parties to show that construction projects are necessary. To align with government regulations, these traffic studies are conducted according to highly specific standards, and often involve the delivery of in-depth reports containing data on spot speed, traffic volume, traffic control effectiveness, and more. Simply put, traffic studies are a foundational part of traffic planning.
Everything (Almost) In Its Place
The above examples demonstrate how traffic safety systems contribute to orderliness on the road. Without these systems, our daily driving experience would be more than a little chaotic. With that said, there's always room for improvement. Experienced companies like Traffic Safety know that, and you can expect experts in the road safety field continue to make advancements in their craft, to make driving safer, more organized, and more efficient for all of us.