Aggressive driving is a term that has become increasingly common in our society, but what exactly does it mean? Aggressive driving refers to a dangerous and reckless behavior exhibited by drivers on the road. It involves a combination of aggressive actions such as speeding, tailgating, weaving in and out of traffic, running red lights, and engaging in road rage.
Typical Driving Actions
One of the most prevalent forms of aggressive driving is speeding. Many drivers feel the need to exceed the speed limit in order to reach their destination faster. However, this behavior not only puts their own lives at risk but also endangers the lives of others on the road. Speeding reduces a driver's ability to react quickly to unexpected situations and increases the likelihood of accidents occurring.
Tailgating is another form of aggressive driving that can lead to disastrous consequences. When drivers follow too closely behind another vehicle, they leave no room for error or sudden stops. This behavior not only intimidates other drivers but also increases the chances of rear-end collisions. Tailgating is often fueled by impatience and frustration, as individuals try to push others out of their way.
Weaving in and out of traffic is yet another dangerous behavior associated with aggressive driving. Some drivers believe that by constantly changing lanes and maneuvering through traffic, they will be able to get ahead faster. However, this reckless behavior disrupts the flow of traffic and can cause confusion among other drivers who are trying to maintain a safe distance from one another.
Running red lights is an act that not only violates traffic laws but also jeopardizes the safety of everyone on the road. Drivers who run red lights put themselves at risk for collisions with vehicles crossing from other directions or pedestrians crossing legally at intersections. This form of aggressive driving often stems from impatience or disregard for traffic regulations.
Road Rage
Perhaps one of the most concerning aspects of aggressive driving is road rage. Road rage occurs when individuals let their emotions take control while behind the wheel. This can manifest in aggressive gestures, verbal abuse, or even physical altercations between drivers. Road rage not only endangers the lives of those involved but also creates a hostile environment on the road.
The End Result
The consequences of aggressive driving are severe and far-reaching. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), aggressive driving accounts for a significant number of accidents and fatalities each year. In addition to the physical harm caused by accidents, aggressive driving also has psychological effects on both victims and perpetrators.
What Police Are Doing to Curb This?
Police departments around the country spend countless hours a year combatting this issue. Many states go as far as providing special funding for police officers to come into work on days off to set up specialized traffic safety details. Many of these details target speed enforcement, red light violations, and tailgating. These details are generally zero-tolerance details which means tickets are issued instead of warnings. To better get the message out, many police departments also post the area as an “Aggressive Driving Enforcement” zone in hopes that passing motorists see the warning signs and slow down.